Treatment of Scoliosis as part of the diagnostic process
Presented by:
Franz Landauer, MD, CPO(A)
SALK Department of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery Paracelsus Medical University Salzburg
Treatment results provide important information about the cause of scoliosis in adolescent scoliosis. The diagnostic pro...
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Surgical Decision making for AIS & Adult scoliosis
Surgical Decision making for AIS and Adult onset scoliosis. When is it time to move forward from conservative management?
This presentation will highlight adult and pediatric scoliosis and their different presentations in the clinical setting. Indic...
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The Marcotte Method: Unraveling Scoliosis through the Sagittal Plane
With clinical experience combining several influences including yoga, Chiropractic BioPhysics (CBP) and the SpineCore Method, Dr. Louise Marcotte has now put together her own technique, the "Marcotte Method", aimed at restoring the natural curvatures...
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Neuromuscular & Syndromic Scoliosis
90 min Webinar focus is the conservative therapeutic management of the developing scoliosis in the growing child. Knowledge of the development of the spine and the thoracic cage with age is of importance as sufficient space for the organs to function...
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Assessment & Treatment of Children with Scoliosis
About the Webinar: During this 90 min webinar Andrea and Victoria will present protocols for assessing and treating very young juvenile scoliosis cases and discuss patient cases treated successfully for more than 10 years with non-operative methods. ...
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Scoliosis, Fusion, Mental Health
Scoliosis and spinal fusion patients are at greater risk for developing posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and depression than patients diagnosed with other serious health conditions. Body image disturbance and distress, associated with scoliosis p...
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Physio Scoliosis Specific Exercises
This one hour webinar deals with consideration for choosing the exercises based on the recovery phase and the MD guidelines employed. Exercise examples and case videos will be shown as well.
Dr. Berdishevsky has worked for over ten years at the Hospi...
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Healthy relationships with scoliosis patients?
Webinar by Dr. Elisabetta D'Agata-How to build healthy relationships with scoliosis patients?
Dr. D'Agata is an Italian psychologist and psychotherapist who has been studying and treating patients with Idiopathic Scoliosis for ten years. After a PhD ...
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DoboMed Method in Teenage Patients with Scoliosis
Dobomed Method, developed in 1979, by the Polish Dr. Krystyna Dobosiewicz (1931- 2007), is a conservative approach to Idiopathic Scoliosis, aimed at both deformity of the trunk and restoration of respiratory function. It has incorporated in its techn...
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CSM for Osteopaths and Physiotherapists
Global view of spinal deviations with focus on:
1) Integration of Physiotherapy methods into the treatment of scoliosis: feldenkrais, hypopressive abdominal gymnastics
2) Pharmacology and supplementation
3) Osteopathy biodynamics
4) Environment/Healt...
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Sleep disordered breathing in Scoliosis patients
Circadian and Sleep disorders. Sleep-disordered Breathing in Patients with Scoliosis.
Description: In this presentation, I will speak about the main groups of circadian and sleep disorders, the risk factors for their development, what are some simple...
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Relative Anterior Spinal Overgrowth (RASO)
Relative Anterior Spinal Overgrowth (RASO) with Dr. Rene Castelein, MD, PhD
Prof. of Orthopaedic Surgery at University Medical Centre Utrecht, Netherlands
In idiopathic scoliosis, it has been known for a long time that the anterior part of the spina...
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Global Balance-Sagittal Alignment
While the spine in the ideal upright standing posture is straight in the frontal plane; it has various physiological curvatures in the sagittal plane such as cervical and lumbar lordosis, and thoracic kyphosis. Magnitude and location of these curvatu...
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Functional Individual Therapy of Scoliosis (FITS)
Functional Individual Therapy of Scoliosis (FITS) by Marianna Bialek & Andrzej M'hango
Created in 2004 by Marianna Bia?ek and Andrzej M'hango for diagnosis and treatment of structural and non-structural scoliosis, FITS is a complex, asymmetrical and ...
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Circadian Rhythm: Neuromuscular disorders & Scoliosis
The importance of normal circadian rhythm for mental and physical health. The physiology of breathing in awake and sleep, peculiarities in patients with neuromuscular disorders and scoliosis
In this presentation, I will speak about how the circadian ...
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Compensatory mechanisms in musculoskeletal system
Compensatory mechanisms in the musculoskeletal system in children and adolescents with idiopathic scoliosis
A spine is a part of the body with complex mechanics. Scoliosis is a three-dimensional deformation of the spine, which means that the compens...
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Evaluation of Motor Skills in Relation to PSSE
Dariusz Czaprowski, PT, PhD, associate Professor at the Department of Health Sciences, Olsztyn University College, Olsztyn, Poland; Head of the Kinesiotherapy Unit, Department of Health Sciences, Medical University, Pozna?, Poland.
Clinical and Scien...
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Scoliotic Hip: Is It Real? Spine,Hip,Kinetic Chain
Webinar presented by: Lise Stolze, MPT, Scoliosis Therapist, Schroth BSPTS C2, SEAS 2 Educator
The 3-dimensional nature of scoliosis can produce asymmetrical forces at the hip and lower extremities that can accentuate curve compression. This 90-minu...
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Physiotherapy Scoliosis Specific Exercise (PSSE)
Set of guiding principles for treating patients with scoliosis. Seven major schools adhere to these principles and, despite some differences in philosophy and in treatment, share a common mission. The shared standard features in the rehabilitation o...
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