Mônica Bicalho Alves de Souza, PT
SSOL Teacher
Practitioner in Brazil, owner of Monica Bicalho Rehabilitation​
Practice and continuing education and practice focused on scoliosis, back disorders and gait and neurological rehabilitation.
Master Degree on Rehabilitation Sciences by Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais and on “Principles and Practice of Conservative Scoliosis Treatment” - ISICO (IT)
Clinical Gait Analysis Course - Connecticut Children’s Medical Center
Scoliosis Treatment Rehabilitation with SSOL Schroth, Schroth BSPTS (C1 e C2) and SEAS I. Formation on going Lyon Method.
Specialist on Physiology and Movement Biomechanics
Formation on Bobath Adult, Children and Babies Rehabilitation
Manual Therapy with Mulligan and Maitland
more than 30 years of clinical experience physiotherapy rehabilitation treating patients of all ages on Brazil with neurological and spinal problems. Scoliosis, Hyperkyphosis and other Postural dysfunctions with and without pain and Neurological pathologies are her routine rehabilitation practice.
Has more than 20 years’ experience on university theoretical and practical lectures.
First Schroth BSPTS Physiotherapist in Brazil.
Scoliosis Specific Certifications:
SSOL Schroth Teacher
BSPTS C2 Certified
Lyon Method (certification in progress)
Scientific Exercise Approach to Scoliosis (SEAS 1)